Prepping for your New Year’s Catering Event

Bay Area Caterer Shares Its Best Ideas With You!

2016 fast approaches. If you’re planning a big shindig at your beachside home or brainstorming a massive party for your start up, it’s past time to start thinking about your New Year’s event catering needs. Below are some tips to help you plan your menu.

1. Present food in a new and exciting way.

It’s 2016; we’re well into the second decade of the 21st century. That means old and clunky and predictable won’t cut it. Wow your guests by presenting your dishes in a unique and memorable manner. For example, serve salad in a non-traditional dish, such as a mason jar. Or get modern and crazy – and capitalize on the green energy themes of the moment – and serve drinks with LED ice cubes. Talk to a Silicon Valley catering company for more ideas.

2. Don’t serve boring, “blah” dishes that look like the distilled essence of winter – gray and withered.

When planning your New Year’s menu, surprise and delight with new twists on shrimp scampi or orange chicken or a 32-ingredient salad. Aim for bright colors and a festive array of flavors.

3. Set up a themed food bar.

Those who follow corporate catering trends know all about themed food bars – they’re the rage right now. Celebrate this trend by including a chocolate bar, candy bar or even a gluten-free breadstick bar (why not?) at your final party of the year.

Casual or Formal Catering – We Do It All!

Handheld Catering has the experience and artistic sensibility to cater your event. Known for our boundless creativity, ability to accommodate broad tastes and constraints and tasteful solutions to seemingly vexing questions about how to entertain, we’d be happy to discuss your needs and brainstorm ideas with you. Please call us today at (408) 692-4782 to schedule a consultation with our team.