2017 Trends for Events & Catering

What Catering Trends Can we Expect in 2017?

New Years might be over, but that doesn’t mean the party has to be. Even if your 2017 resolutions already seem like a distant memory, there are still plenty of exciting changes to look forward to in the events and catering industry. Read on to learn what to expect this year and how you can get ahead of the latest trends!

In the coming year, expect catering to take on an especially artistic flair. Creative plating, decorative garnish and meals incorporating a wide array of colors and textures will make your meal look every bit as good as it tastes. With the ever-increasing popularity of social media outlets such as Instagram and Twitter, photo-worthy meals and treats can give your event, organization or cause an extra media boost. The more people share pictures of their gorgeous meal, the more exposure you’ll get — you might even increase the attendance at your next big event.

Next on the menu: interactive dining. More and more, event guests want more than just a meal; they want an experience. Fondue is a known crowd favorite, but if you want to get ahead of the curve, try ordering a dessert with a shell that dissolves when liquid is poured over it. You can also hire an expert chef comfortable cooking in front of guests to introduce a performative element to your meal.

Hand in hand with the wellness trend of recent years, guests are becoming more and more interested in where their food comes from. Even if a meal looks beautiful and tastes delicious, a plate full of mystery ingredients and unknown origins can be cause for pause. Ethically-produced, locally-sourced ingredients will satisfy your guests and set your event apart. Information about the origins of the food on the table can also be an excellent starting place for interesting and educational dialogue between guests.

As a leader of innovation in events and catering, Handheld Catering has the experience and creativity to make your special event stand out from the rest. Handheld Catering has valued the farm-to-table approach from the beginning, so we know just where to get the freshest, best-tasting ingredients for a truly memorable meal. Get in touch with Chef Ryan at (408)692-4782 today and he’ll get started crafting a unique event that will delight you and your guests alike.

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